Making the cut as an employer
As I sit on a Melbourne bound train on a sunny afternoon, I am surrounded by people on their way to various destinations which no doubt includes friends, educational institutions and workplaces. The thing that strikes me more than anything is how connected they are and how quickly I imagine they would be able to swap information on a range of issues important to them. Not least among them would be employment opportunities at places that really stand out as great places to work.
This conversation would be going on all the time and what we need to accept is that all employers are engaged in a competition to get the best and the brightest people in their doors to make a difference to their productivity. The significant thing is to look for ways to become part of these conversations in a positive as opposed to a negative way. Think of how good it would be if we could have people beating down our doors wanting to come and work for us, not just because we had a job for them, but because they had heard how great it was working or us!
So, what do you need to do to become part of this conversation? Here are a few no brainers:
Be a good employer – this means that apart from offering competitive pay and conditions, you also create a place where personal and professional growth is celebrated and proudly worn on the organisations sleeve. Employees are challenged and the sense of “getting somewhere” is palpable.
Be up to date – prospective employees like nothing better than an employer who not only has the latest bells and whistles but uses them effectively. Lagging behind the market isn’t just bad for business but also puts you at a disadvantage in the great hunt for new people.
Be connected – Many organisations still have a reputation of being a bit out of touch with the whole connectivity/Social Media thing. Try not to be one of them! Get your name out there and manage it so that you are highly visible to prospective employees and your name comes up in searches for your industry. Why not go one better and start a conversation with people out there who might like to work for you. Does your Company have sites where people who are interested in working for you can register, contribute to discussions and provide updates on what they are doing? This generates a pool of interested and connected people down the track who may be available to be employed when the right opportunity comes up.
Be socially responsible – the connected generation places value on organisations which try to do the right thing on a range of issues. This might seem like a challenge for some Industries, but by being open (and managing your messages well) you can be seen as placing important issues on the radar and throwing out a challenge to anyone who might like to come and help you do things better!
By considering each of these things, you can improve your chances of making a positive mark on the conversation out there and make sure that your organisation is seen as a great place to work and grow.
Matthew Doig
- Category: Personal Coaching
- Tag: Mentoring
Matthew Doig
Matthew has spent over 20 years working with individuals and organisations to enable them to achieve their full potential. Whilst his experience covers a very wide area within the People and Culture fields, he has a particular interest in bringing about personal and professional transformations with clients seeking to change their career and business trajectories.